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so much more for so much so less

More power, faster graphics, for less money, in a smaller form factor; that’s what this Digital Signage Player is all about. The mediaDROID-100 is truly the latest in high tech gadgets. This power house of a player packs a quad core 1.7Ghz processor which drives HD content at 30 FPS, HD Weather, RSS and more, and still has power to spare.

Pre-loaded with Goggle’s Android OS, the mediaDROID-100 was developed specifically in response to a critical and growing demand for a reliable, inexpensive solution for Digital Signage that can deliver HD content while keeping cost down.

These small form factor Signage Players were designed as a plug and play peripherals. Simply turn on the mediaDROID-100, register it with your SignageStudio login e-mail and password and off you go to enjoy hassle free presentation playback.

It is by far the most power you can get, in such a small device. The MediaSignage developers compiled a custom Android version to ensure consistent and uninterrupted playback. The device runs in full screen, supports vertical and horizontal screen modes (separate APK must be downloaded) and monitored in real time via an external SignageController.


- CPU1.7GHz Exynos4412 Prime Cortex-A9 Quad-core processor
- 8G MMC local storage
- Internal memory DDR3 2GB memory
- Fast Ethernet 10/100 port
- WIFI Module (optional add-on)
- Power supply and cord for 120-240V
- Compact size for a very small footprint
- Low power consumption
- Built in cooling heat sink
- Single HDMI Audio / Video (HDMI-D port cable included)
- Two USB 2.0 ports
- Dimensions: 60x60x60mm



The mediaDROID-100 has a tiny footprint of only 2.3 x 2.3 x 2.3” inches, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It is a dedicated Digital Signage Player powered by the amazing Samsung Exynos quad core processor. The Player delivers smooth graphics while running cool.

The Player features single HDMI port, dual USBs and a fast Ethernet port, WIFI is an optional add on. Imagine a computing device powerful enough to produce stunning visuals with responsive performance, yet small enough to drive your Digital Signage campaigns in HD.

With a visibly smart Exynos Quad processor in a highly customizable package, the mediaDROID-100 is a breakthrough in compact but impactful Digital Signage. Get reliable connectivity through fast Ethernet LAN or upgrade to an external Wi-Fi module. The mediaDROID-100 is also equipped with a large local flash memory of just over 8GB allowing plenty of local storage for all your campaign’s content.

The mediaDROID-100 is truly a Digital Signage revolution; and it’s here now!


















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