 This class manages the UI of all blocks within a channel as well as the ability to sort and reorder the content of a channel
 @class ChannelListView
 @return {Object} instantiated CompCampaignNavigator
define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'jqueryui', 'TouchPunch', 'Timeline', 'SequencerView', 'StorylineView', 'Draggable'], function ($, Backbone, jqueryui, TouchPunch, Timeline, SequencerView, StorylineView, Draggable) {


    var ChannelListView = BB.View.extend({

         Init the ChannelList component and enable sortable channels UI via drag and drop operations.
         @method initialize
        initialize: function () {
            var self = this;

            self.m_property = BB.comBroker.getService(BB.SERVICES.PROPERTIES_VIEW);
            self.selected_block_id = undefined;
            self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id = undefined;
            self.selected_campaign_timeline_id = undefined;
            self.selected_campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id = undefined;

            pepper.listen(Pepper.TIMELINE_DELETED, $.proxy(self._onTimelineDeleted, self));


         Listen to reset of when switching to different campaign so we forget current state
         @method _listenReset
        _listenReset: function () {
            var self = this;
            BB.comBroker.listen(BB.EVENTS.CAMPAIGN_RESET, function () {
                self.selected_block_id = undefined;
                self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id = undefined;
                self.selected_campaign_timeline_id = undefined;
                self.selected_campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id = undefined;

         Wire the UI and listen to channel remove and channel add button events.
         @method _listenAddRemoveBlocks
         @return none
        _listenAddRemoveBlocks: function () {
            var self = this;
            $(Elements.REMOVE_BLOCK_BUTTON).on('click', function (e) {
                if (_.isUndefined(self.selected_block_id)) {
            $(Elements.ADD_BLOCK_BUTTON).on('click', function (e) {
                if (_.isUndefined(self.selected_campaign_timeline_id)) {

         Wire the UI for timeline deletion.
         @method _onTimelineDeleted
         @return none
        _onTimelineDeleted: function () {
            var self = this;

         Update the blocks offset times according to current order of LI elements and reorder accordingly in msdb.
         @method _reOrderChannelBlocks
         @return none
        _reOrderChannelBlocks: function () {
            var self = this
            var blocks = $(Elements.SORTABLE).children();
            var playerOffsetTime = 0;
            $(blocks).each(function (i) {
                var block_id = $(this).data('block_id');
                var recBlock = pepper.getBlockRecord(block_id);
                var playerDuration = recBlock['player_duration']
                pepper.setBlockRecord(block_id, 'player_offset_time', playerOffsetTime);
                log('player ' + block_id + ' offset ' + playerOffsetTime + ' playerDuration ' + playerDuration);
                playerOffsetTime = parseFloat(playerOffsetTime) + parseFloat(playerDuration);
            BB.comBroker.fire(BB.EVENTS.CAMPAIGN_TIMELINE_CHANGED, self);
            BB.comBroker.fire(BB.EVENTS.BLOCK_SELECTED, this, null, self.selected_block_id);

         Get the total duration in seconds of the channel
         @method _getTotalDurationChannel
         @return {Number} totalChannelLength
        _getTotalDurationChannel: function () {
            var self = this
            var blocks = $(Elements.SORTABLE).children();
            var blocksIDs = [];
            $(blocks).each(function (i) {
                var block_id = $(this).data('block_id');
            var totalChannelLength = pepper.getTotalDurationOfBlocks(blocksIDs);
            return totalChannelLength;

         Launch the add new block wizard UI component.
         @method _openAddBlockWizard
         @return none
        _openAddBlockWizard: function (e) {
            var self = this;
            var addBlockView = BB.comBroker.getService(BB.SERVICES.ADD_BLOCK_VIEW);
            BB.comBroker.listenOnce(BB.EVENTS.ADD_NEW_BLOCK_CHANNEL, function (e) {
                self._createNewChannelBlock(e.edata.blockCode, e.edata.resourceID, e.edata.sceneID);

         Create a new block (player) on the current channel and refresh UI bindings such as properties open events.
         @method _createNewChannelBlock
         @param {Number} i_blockID
         @param {Number} i_resourceID optional param used when creating a block with embedded resource (i.e.: video / image / swf)
         @param {Number} i_sceneID optional param used when creating a block with embedded scene
         @return {Boolean} false
        _createNewChannelBlock: function (i_blockID, i_resourceID, i_sceneID) {
            var self = this;
            var totalChannelLength = self._getTotalDurationChannel();
            var jData = pepper.createNewChannelPlayer(self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id, i_blockID, totalChannelLength, i_resourceID, i_sceneID);
            var campaign_timeline_chanel_player_id = jData['campaign_timeline_chanel_player_id'];
            var campaign_timeline_chanel_player_data = jData['campaign_timeline_chanel_player_data'];

            var timeline = BB.comBroker.getService(BB.SERVICES.CAMPAIGN_VIEW).getTimelineInstance(self.selected_campaign_timeline_id);
            var channel = timeline.getChannelInstance(self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id);
            channel.createChannelBlock(campaign_timeline_chanel_player_id, campaign_timeline_chanel_player_data);

            var campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id = self.selected_campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id;
            var campaign_timeline_id = self.selected_campaign_timeline_id;
            var campaign_timeline_chanel_id = self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id;

            // self._resetChannel();
            self._loadChannelBlocks(campaign_timeline_id, campaign_timeline_chanel_id);
            // self._deselectBlocksFromChannel();
            return false;

         Listen to when a resource has been deleted so we can delete the associated block and re calc channel length
         @method _listenResourceRemoved
         @return none
        _listenResourceRemoved: function () {
            var self = this;
            BB.comBroker.listen(BB.EVENTS.REMOVED_RESOURCE, function (e) {
                if (self.selected_campaign_timeline_id != undefined && self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id != undefined) {
                    self._loadChannelBlocks(self.selected_campaign_timeline_id, self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id);

         Listen to when a resource has been deleted so we can delete the associated block and re calc channel length
         @method _listenSceneRemoved
         @return none
        _listenSceneRemoved: function () {
            var self = this;
            BB.comBroker.listen(BB.EVENTS.REMOVED_SCENE, function () {
                if (self.selected_campaign_timeline_id != undefined && self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id != undefined) {
                    self._loadChannelBlocks(self.selected_campaign_timeline_id, self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id);

         Listen to the BB.EVENTS.ON_VIEWER_SELECTED so we know when a timeline has been selected.
         Once a timeline selection was done we check if the event if one of a timeline owner or other; if of timeline
         we populate channel list, if latter reset list.
         @method _listenTimelineSelected
         @return none
        _listenTimelineSelected: function () {
            var self = this;

            BB.comBroker.listen(BB.EVENTS.ON_VIEWER_SELECTED, function (e) {

                self.selected_campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id = e.caller.campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id;
                self.selected_campaign_timeline_id = e.caller.campaign_timeline_id;

                if (e.context.m_owner instanceof Timeline || e.context.m_owner instanceof StorylineView) {

                    var recCampaignTimelineViewerChanels = pepper.getChannelIdFromCampaignTimelineBoardViewer(self.selected_campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id, self.selected_campaign_timeline_id);
                    self._loadChannelBlocks(self.selected_campaign_timeline_id, recCampaignTimelineViewerChanels['campaign_timeline_chanel_id']);

                if (e.context.m_owner instanceof SequencerView) {

         Load the channel list with its own blocks and refresh the UI.
         @method _loadChannelBlocks
         @param {Number} i_campaign_timeline_id
         @param {Number} i_campaign_timeline_chanel_id
         @return none
        _loadChannelBlocks: function (i_campaign_timeline_id, i_campaign_timeline_chanel_id) {
            var self = this;

            self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id = i_campaign_timeline_chanel_id;

            var timeline = BB.comBroker.getService(BB.SERVICES['CAMPAIGN_VIEW']).getTimelineInstance(i_campaign_timeline_id);
            var channel = timeline.getChannelInstance(i_campaign_timeline_chanel_id);
            var blocks = channel.getBlocks();
            var xdate = BB.comBroker.getService('XDATE');

            for (var block in blocks) {
                var blockData = blocks[block].getBlockData();
                var duration = pepper.getBlockTimelineChannelBlockLength(blockData.blockID).totalInSeconds;
                var durationFormatted = xdate.clearTime().addSeconds(duration).toString('HH:mm:ss');
                $(Elements.SORTABLE).append($('<li class="' + BB.lib.unclass(Elements.CLASS_CHANNEL_LIST_ITEMS) + '  list-group-item" data-block_id="' + blockData.blockID + '">' +
                    '<a href="#">' +
                    //'<img  class="img-responsive" src="' + blockData.blockIcon + '"/>' +
                    '<i class="fa ' + blockData.blockFontAwesome + '"></i>' +
                    '<span>' + blockData.blockName + '</span>' +
                    '<i style="padding: 0; margin: 0" class="dragch fa fa-arrows-v"></i>' +
                    '<span class="' + BB.lib.unclass(Elements.CLASS_BLOCK_LENGTH_TIMER) + ' hidden-xs">' + durationFormatted + '</span>' +
                    '</a>' +

         Listen when a block is selected, if its properties need to be open than open panel.
         Also, reference the selected block internally and fire event announcing it was selected.
         We also load required AMD moduels if this is the first time a block was selected (i.e.: modules
         were never loaded yet) and when they finish loaded we continue with thread execution.
         @method _listenBlockSelected
         @return none
        _listenBlockSelected: function () {
            var self = this;
            // clear previous listeners
            $(Elements.CLASS_CHANNEL_LIST_ITEMS).on('mousedown contextmenu', function (e) {
                $.proxy(self._listenChannelBlockSelected(e), self);


         When block is selected within a channel, get the resource element so we can select it and fire
         the BLOCK_SELECTED event
         @method _listenChannelBlockSelected
         @param {Event} e
        _listenChannelBlockSelected: function (e) {
            var self = this;
            var resourceElem = $(e.target).closest('li');
            self.selected_block_id = $(resourceElem).data('block_id');
            BB.comBroker.fire(BB.EVENTS.BLOCK_SELECTED, this, null, self.selected_block_id);
            return false;

         Listen to when a channel is selected, but through the storyline so we can re-select appropriate block in channel list
         @method _listenStorylineChannelSelected
        _listenStorylineChannelSelected: function () {
            var self = this;
            BB.comBroker.listen(BB.EVENTS['STORYLINE_CHANNEL_SELECTED'], function (e) {
                self.selected_block_id = e.edata;
                var resourceElem = $(Elements.CHANNEL_LIST_ELEM_VIEW).find('[data-block_id="' + self.selected_block_id + '"]');
                BB.comBroker.fire(BB.EVENTS.BLOCK_SELECTED, this, null, self.selected_block_id);
                return false;

         When a block is selected within a storyline get the resource element so we can select it and fire global block selection event
         @method _listenStorylineBlockSelected
         @param {Event} e
        _listenStorylineBlockSelected: function (e) {
            var self = this;
            BB.comBroker.listen(BB.EVENTS['STORYLINE_BLOCK_SELECTED'], function (e) {
                self.selected_block_id = e.edata;
                var resourceElem = $(Elements.CHANNEL_LIST_ELEM_VIEW).find('[data-block_id="' + self.selected_block_id + '"]');
                BB.comBroker.fire(BB.EVENTS.BLOCK_SELECTED, this, null, self.selected_block_id);
                return false;

         Forget the selected channel and reset channel member references
         @method _resetChannel
        _resetChannel: function () {
            var self = this;
            self.selected_block_id = undefined;
            self.selected_campaign_timeline_board_viewer_id = undefined;
            self.selected_campaign_timeline_id = undefined;
            self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id = undefined;

         Reset the UI when no block on channel is selected.
         @method _deselectBlocksFromChannel
        _deselectBlocksFromChannel: function () {
            var self = this;
            self.selected_block_id = undefined;

         Listen to when a block length has changed so we can update all other blocks offset respectively
         @method _listenBlockLengthChanged
         @return none
        _listenBlockLengthChanged: function () {
            var self = this;
            pepper.listen(Pepper.BLOCK_LENGTH_CHANGED, $.proxy(self._onBlockLengthChanged, self));

         Listen to when a block on channel is modified with respect to its length
         @method _onBlockLengthChanged
         @param {Event} e block changed data
        _onBlockLengthChanged: function (e) {
            var self = this;
            var block_id = e.edata.campaignTimelineChanelPlayerID;
            var duration = e.edata.totalSeconds;
            var selectedLI = $(Elements.SORTABLE).find('[data-block_id="' + block_id + '"]');
            self.m_xdate = BB.comBroker.getService('XDATE');
            var durationFormated = self.m_xdate.clearTime().addSeconds(duration).toString('HH:mm:ss');
            $(Elements.CLASS_BLOCK_LENGTH_TIMER, selectedLI).text(durationFormated);

         Select the last block on the channel (last LI element) and fire a click event on it.
         @method _selectLastBlockOnChannel
         @return none
        _selectLastBlockOnChannel: function () {
            var self = this
            var blocks = $(Elements.SORTABLE).children();
            var block = undefined;
            $(blocks).each(function (i) {
                block = this;
            if (block)

         Delete the selected block from the channel
         @method _deleteChannelBlock
         @return none
        _deleteChannelBlock: function (i_block_id) {
            var self = this;
            var selectedLI = $(Elements.SORTABLE).find('[data-block_id="' + i_block_id + '"]');
            var timeline = BB.comBroker.getService(BB.SERVICES.CAMPAIGN_VIEW).getTimelineInstance(self.selected_campaign_timeline_id);
            var channel = timeline.getChannelInstance(self.selected_campaign_timeline_chanel_id);

         Listen to any canvas right click
         @method _listenContextMenu
        _listenContextMenu: function () {
            var self = this;
                target: Elements.CHANNEL_LIST_CONTEXT_MENU,
                before: function (e, element, target) {
                    //self.m_mouseX = e.offsetX;
                    //self.m_mouseY = e.offsetY;
                    if (_.isUndefined(self.selected_block_id))
                        return false;
                    return true;
                onItem: function (context, e) {

         On Scene right click context menu selection command
         @method _onContentMenuSelection
         @param {String} i_command
        _onContentMenuSelection: function (i_command) {
            var self = this;
            var campaign_timeline_id = BB.comBroker.getService(BB.SERVICES.CAMPAIGN_VIEW).getSelectedTimeline();
            if (campaign_timeline_id == -1 || _.isUndefined(campaign_timeline_id))

            switch (i_command) {
                case 'remove':
                case 'first':
                case 'last':
            return true;

         Create a draggable sortable channel list
         @method _createSortable
         @param {String} i_selector
        _createSortable: function (i_selector) {
            var self = this;
            if ($(i_selector).children().length==0) return;
            var sortable = document.querySelector(i_selector);
            self.m_draggables = Draggable.create(sortable.children, {
                type: "y",
                bounds: sortable,
                dragClickables: true,
                edgeResistance: 1,
                onPress: self._sortablePress,
                onDragStart: self._sortableDragStart,
                onDrag: self._sortableDrag,
                liveSnap: self._sortableSnap,
                onDragEnd: function () {
                    var t = this.target,
                        max = t.kids.length - 1,
                        newIndex = Math.round(this.y / t.currentHeight);
                    newIndex += (newIndex < 0 ? -1 : 0) + t.currentIndex;
                    if (newIndex === max) {
                    } else {
                        t.parentNode.insertBefore(t, t.kids[newIndex + 1]);
                    TweenLite.set(t.kids, { yPercent: 0, overwrite: "all" });
                    TweenLite.set(t, { y: 0, color: "" });

                    //_.each(self.m_draggables, function(i){
                    //    this.enabled(false);

         Sortable channel list on press
         @method _sortablePress
        _sortablePress: function () {
            var t = this.target,
                i = 0,
                child = t;
            while (child = child.previousSibling)
                if (child.nodeType === 1) i++;
            t.currentIndex = i;
            t.currentHeight = t.offsetHeight;
            t.kids = [].slice.call(t.parentNode.children); // convert to array

         Sortable drag channel list on press
         @method _sortableDragStart
        _sortableDragStart: function () {
            TweenLite.set(this.target, { color: "#88CE02" });

         Sortable drag channel list
         @method _sortableDrag
        _sortableDrag: function () {
            var t = this.target,
                elements = t.kids.slice(), // clone
                indexChange = Math.round(this.y / t.currentHeight),
                bound1 = t.currentIndex,
                bound2 = bound1 + indexChange;
            if (bound1 < bound2) { // moved down
                TweenLite.to(elements.splice(bound1 + 1, bound2 - bound1), 0.15, { yPercent: -100 });
                TweenLite.to(elements, 0.15, { yPercent: 0 });
            } else if (bound1 === bound2) {
                elements.splice(bound1, 1);
                TweenLite.to(elements, 0.15, { yPercent: 0 });
            } else { // moved up
                TweenLite.to(elements.splice(bound2, bound1 - bound2), 0.15, { yPercent: 100 });
                TweenLite.to(elements, 0.15, { yPercent: 0 });

         snap channels to set rounder values
         @method _sortableSnap
        _sortableSnap: function (y) {
            return y;
            // enable code below to enable snapinnes on dragging
            // var h = this.target.currentHeight;
            // return Math.round(y / h) * h;

         Move current selected block to be the first to play within the channel
         @method moveBlockFirst
        moveBlockFirst: function () {
            var self = this;
            var resourceElem = $('.activated', self.$el);

         Move current selected block to be the last to play within the channel
         @method moveBlockLast
        moveBlockLast: function () {
            var self = this;
            var resourceElem = $('.activated', self.$el);

    return ChannelListView;
